Welcome to MCR Safety's
Integration Development Portal
Learn about our integration APIs and Development tools to help you get the most from MCR Safety.
Learn about our integration APIs and Development tools to help you get the most from MCR Safety.
Learn what APIs and integrations are available. Explore the available APIs, view sample requests and responses, and collaborate with MCR IT resources to answer any questions.
When ready to connect, contact the MCR Safety Integration Team and they will walk you through the onboarding process and assign your unique integration key.
Now that you're connected, you can access MCR Safety data via our integration API's 365 days a year; 24 hours a day on your terms! Get detailed information on how to connect and make the API calls.
A GraphQL based API allowing you to retrieve metadata for all MCR Safety Products. Metadata includes marketing descriptions, product and packaging weights and dimensions, UPC codes, product attributes, and more.
Our GraphQL APIs are designed to allow you to request exactly the data you need, reducing the amount of unnecessary data sent over the network. This results in faster times and reduced bandwidth usage.
You can specify the exact shape of the data you want, rather than relying on predefined endpoints with fixed response structures.
All of this provides a better experience, making it easier to understand and connect with MCR Safety!
POST /product-metadata
products {
items {
attributes {
measures {
marketingContent {
features {
MCR Safety has proven experience as a leader in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE). Our assortment of offerings includes gloves, glasses, and garments that are made from the highest quality materials available to ensure maximum safety, comfort, and style.
MCR Safety distinguishes itself as a manufacturer of our core product groups. Our knowledge as manufacturer helps us evaluate other sources of supply to assure reliable quality and competitiveness. Additionally, we pride ourselves in providing our distributors technical expertise and superior customer service. Today MCR Safety is recognized as a global PPE leader and employs over 1600 internationally with approximately 300 locally. We have been recognized multiple times for New Product of the Year Innovations and awards in manufacturing operations.
Powered by Azure API Management.